Natural remedies are the safest and most effective solution for getting rid of a sore throat.
When it comes to natural remedies, essential oils enjoy a pedestal position because they have more therapeutic properties than others.
Essential oils are organic compounds extracted from plants with numerous health and medicinal benefits.
Aromatherapy is one of the highly established streams of natural remedies that use EOs for various treatments.
Strep Throat: An Overview
A sore throat is a common infection that affects the throat for various reasons.
This condition is marked by pain in the throat, typically caused by inflammation due to colds or other viruses.
You might experience symptoms like pain, itchiness, and irritation when you have this throat infection.
In severe cases of throat infection, you might have difficulty swallowing foods and liquids. Severe strep throat can have symptoms like excessive dryness in the throat, swollen glands in the neck, white patches on the tonsils, and hoarseness. A stuffy nose and throat conjunction from a sinus infection may also lead to this condition.
What Causes A Sore Throat
A sore throat is a common infection that affects the throat for various reasons.
This condition is marked by pain in the throat, typically caused by inflammation due to colds or other viruses.
You might experience symptoms like pain, itchiness, and irritation when you have this throat infection.
In severe cases of throat infection, you might have difficulty swallowing foods and liquids. Severe strep throat can have symptoms like excessive dryness in the throat, swollen glands in the neck, white patches on the tonsils, and hoarseness.
Viral Infection
Different types of viruses cause most cases of throat infections. Some of these viruses give rise to colds and flu as well. The most common cause of it is a cold or flu.
Bacterial Infection
Strep throat (Streptococcus pyogenes) is caused by bacterial infections that affect the throat. Bacterial infections in the throat are also responsible for diseases like whooping cough and diphtheria.
Yelling And Shouting Aloud
You might contract a sore throat if you continuously shout or yell very loudly for a long time. This usually occurs while you cheer for your favorite sports team or do boisterous merrymaking at parties and picnics.
You may get a throat infection from allergic reactions if you are prone to getting nasal or throat allergies.
Other Diseases
Other diseases that affect the throat, like gastroesophageal reflux, mono, croup, thrush, laryngitis, influenza, tonsillitis, gonorrhea, pharyngitis, or herpangina, may cause it.
It is important to diagnose the root of the throat issue before administering any remedies. If the throat pain lasts longer than usual, you must seek the help of a doctor to treat the issue.
External Factors
External factors like inclement weather conditions can cause a sore throat, drinking ice-cold water or beverages, smoking, dust, swimming in cold water, or irregular lifestyle habits.
Now let us look at a few of the most effective essential oils that can expel the bacteria and viruses that cause soreness in the throat.
Effective Essential Oils To Soothe A Sore Throat
Many essential oils (EOs) are obtained from different plant sources. The antibacterial activity of essential oils can be used to prevent and cure seasonal infections.
Here is a list of the most effective essential oils for sore throat. These are some of the best oils with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and soreness-relief properties.
1. Oregano oil
Oregano oil has wide-reaching health benefits. It is a well-known remedy for respiratory and immune issues.
Some studies have pointed out this oil’s high-quality antiviral and antifungal properties.
The antiviral properties of oregano essential oil are very helpful in treating sore throats caused by viruses.
According to one of the studies, this oil is useful for fighting parasite infections.
In one of the recent health reports published by the Daily Mail, oregano oil was proven effective in killing MRSA both as a liquid and as a vapor. According to this report, tiny quantities of carvacrol, a naturally occurring compound in oregano, are proven to be a powerful antimicrobial agent, better than the 18 pharmaceutical drugs that the investigators had chosen for comparative analysis.
2. Peppermint oil
Peppermint is one of the best-known folk medicines for curing sinus infections, whooping cough, the common cold, inflammation in the mouth and throat, and respiratory infections.
Peppermint essential oil can remedy several other common health issues caused by a microbial infection, like nausea, heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, morning sickness, sour stomach, bacterial overgrowth in the intestine, and diarrhea.
Menthol is an organic compound found in peppermint. It produces a cooling and comforting effect on the throat.
Some research studies on peppermint have discovered its potential antimicrobial and decongestant effects. The antioxidants in this oil are effective for treating soreness in the throat. The menthol in this oil can easily alleviate the irritation and pain associated with a throat infection.
3. Clove oil
Clove essential oil may help soothe a sore throat, as this oil contains immune-boosting properties that fight microbial infections.
This oil is a good remedy for sore throats and other infections associated with the respiratory system. It works because of this oil’s antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory elements.
Clove essential oil can help relieve pain and irritation caused by an infected throat.
According to one of the studies by Phytotherapy Research, clove oil is found to possess an antimicrobial ability that suppresses a variety of multi-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis.
4. Lemon oil
The lemon essential oil has a high vitamin content, which is useful for boosting the immune system. Lemon oil substantially stimulates the white blood cells in the blood, which helps defend the body against common infections like influenza, viral fever, nausea, and others.
This oil is excellent for removing toxins from the body and stimulating lymph drainage. The lemon oil can effectively treat sore throat and throat congestion.
This oil’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory elements help resist a throat infection.
The vitamin C in this oil is beneficial for increasing salivation and keeping the throat moist.
5. Thyme oil
Thyme oil contains very strong antioxidants and antimicrobial properties. It has been popularly used in treating various common diseases from ancient times.
This oil is effective in improving the immune system of the body. It also boosts the digestive and nervous systems of the body.
According to one of the studies, thyme essential oil aids in the prevention and treatment of various microbial infections. The research showed that this oil exhibited intense activity against all clinical strains.
This powerful oil has also shown substantial ability against antibiotic-resistant strains. No wonder thyme oil should be part of your natural remedy regimen to fight common infections like sore throats.
6. Eucalyptus oil
The “cineole” chemical present in oil from eucalyptus has several proven medicinal benefits, like fighting inflammation, providing pain relief, and fighting microbial infections. If that is the case, eucalyptus essential oil should work for the cold and sore throat.
This oil is a popular folk medicine proven to give fast relief from the common cold and cough.
According to 2010 research, eucalyptus oil has antiviral and antimicrobial properties.
Some of the study results suggest that inhaling or oral oil from eucalyptus with its main component, 8-cineole, can help safely fight viral infections and respiratory problems such as bronchitis, trachea, chest congestion, cough, wheezing runny nose, and sore throat.
Eucalyptus oil stimulates immunity, improves respiratory circulation, and provides antioxidant protection to the body.
7. Juniper berry oil
Juniper berry oil is known for its many health benefits.
The medicinal properties of this oil are effective for treating health issues related to respiration, stomach bloating, skin disorders, heartburn, and common microbial infections.
It can effectively manage respiratory infections, fatigue, arthritis, and muscle pain.
One of the research reports has indicated that juniper berry essential oil contains over 87 different active constituent compounds useful for treating various health conditions. The major therapeutic qualities of this oil include antioxidant, antifungal, and antibacterial properties.
8. Hyssop 0il
Hyssop oil is a highly valued therapeutic option for treating throat and chest inflammation, bronchial problems, and pleurisy.
Hyssop oil has been very popular since ancient Greek times for its medicinal uses and purification of places of worship.
This oil contains antiseptic properties, which are useful for getting rid of viral and bacterial infections. Undoubtedly, hyssop oil is a fine choice for treating sore throats.
9. Tea tree oil
Tea tree essential oil has several health benefits, which may also help treat viral infections in the throat. According to a 2013 study, its antimicrobial properties can protect against airborne and waterborne pathogens.
It strengthens your body by boosting the immune system. It’s a time-tested remedy for viruses responsible for common colds and flu.
How To Use Essential Oils For Sore Throat
Aromatherapy extensively makes use of all kinds of oils for treating different diseases. Obviously, inhalation is one of the best ways to make use of EOs for treating throat infections.
The topical application of oil is utilized to relieve pain and inflammation.
A few of the EOs are worthy of internal consumption, which is required only if microbial infections are to be cured internally.
1. Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy consists of inhaling the smell or aroma of essential oils. Lavender essential oil is the most commonly used oil in aromatherapy.
When you inhale the scent of the EOs, the tiny molecules of the oil enter the nasal cavities and stimulate the nerves.
The limbic system of the brain, stimulated by the aroma, produces calming and soothing responses in the ailing body and comforts the mind.
As a result of the aromatherapy effect, the brain begins to moderate the heart rate, blood pressure, and hormone production.
Inhaling the essential oil can directly suppress the microbial organism’s inflammatory activities in the throat.
You can use a vaporizer, humidifier, perfume sprayer, or diffuser to inhale the essential oil.
Direct inhalation is possible by placing two drops of your chosen essential oil in your hands and rubbing the palms together to spread the oil’s aroma.
You can also add 2 or 3 drops of essential oil to a cotton ball and breathe deeply.
Then you can cup your palms over your nose and mouth and take 7–10 deep inhalations.
The result of aromatherapy varies from person to person. Most people do experience immediate results from aromatherapy.
2. Diffusion
Diffusion is a prominent method in aromatherapy; this requires a diffuser.
This involves filling the air in your room with minute droplets of essential oil. So that the air you breathe inside the room contains the aroma and tiny particles of the essential oil.
Preferably, use the diffusion method in the bedroom before you go to sleep at night. This gives you better sleep and relieves your sore throat by constantly inhaling the aroma of the essential oil.
3. Oil bath
The oil bath is a time-tested natural remedy for treating various diseases.
A blend of essential oils is dissolved in the warm water you use for bathing.
Soaking your body in this oil-treated water allows the essential oils to penetrate your skin and blood vessels through the skin’s pores.
You can add a blend of essential oils to the bathwater for maximum benefit.
4. Oral use
A few essential oils are suitable for internal consumption. However, it is important to ensure the safety of consuming essential oil.
Some are not fit for oral use as they can produce serious side effects if consumed orally. A few of the essential oils you buy over the counter are blended or diluted with synthetic or organic oils that are unsafe for consumption. Follow the warning and instructions on the bottle notified by the seller.
The essential oils are consumed by diluting 2-4 drops of the oil in a glass of warm water and drinking it.
You can add two drops of the best essential oil in one-half cup of warm water and use it for deep-throat gargling for a few minutes. Repeat the gargling 3 to 5 times daily to get fast relief from strep throat.
Other oral application methods for essential oils include using capsules, adding EOs to tea and beverages, and the foods you eat.
5. Topical application
The topical application of the essential oils involves applying the oil to the disease-affected area of the body and nerve-ending points on different parts of the body.
Most essential oils contain powerful chemical properties in concentrated form. So they must be topically applied only after diluting them with mild carrier oils like olive, coconut, jojoba, or sweet almond.
You can apply blended oils or lotion directly on the throat, neck, or chest for sore throat treatment.
Gently massage the oil blend for a couple of minutes. Repeat the topical application 3 times a day.
Warnings And Risks
There is no doubt that essential oils are great for quickly getting rid of a sore throat. However, careless and random usage of essential oils can adversely affect health.
Here are a few tips and warnings that must be kept in mind for the effective use of essential oils:
- Use only therapeutic-grade essential oils for managing sore throat pain.
- Dilute the essential oils with mild carrier oils before use;
- Inhalation and topical application of the EOs are safer than oral usage;
- Infants, children, pregnant women, seniors, and people with severe illnesses should not use essential oils without the approval of a physician;
- Choose the right essential oils that suit your sore throat symptoms.
For severe sore throat problems with symptoms like fever, headaches, body pain, or nausea, treatment must be under the supervision of a physician.
Essential oils for a sore throat are only an additional treatment option to alleviate discomfort. For fast relief from a sore throat, cold, cough, runny nose, flu, or influenza, you must rest, drink plenty of warm liquid, practice proper nutrition, gargle, and avoid everything that might aggravate the disease.
For further reading, also have look at the essential oils you can use for pain relief, ear infection, and heartburn in other articles here.